August 13, 2008

i'm moving...

well... not really, i guess. i AM moving. for real... but usually when a person writes a post with that title, it means they are moving to wordpress. i am NOT moving to wordpress. so, ANYWAY...

it sort of looks like a rain forest from my bedroom window right now.

it was pouring a short while ago, but now the sun is out, and all the leaves are glistening. it looks misty beyond the trees. birds are chirping, and drops of water are falling from leaves and branches. if there were monkeys, crazy-colored frogs, and more trees, my third-story view would be totally believable as a rain forest.

in two weeks, i will leave this apartment, and probably never set foot in it again. it probably sounds ridiculous, but this has been a pretty emotional thought lately. it's not that i'm not looking forward to the change. it IS exciting, and i don't doubt that it is what You have for me in the next season... it's just... hard. change is always hard for me, even when it is good. i make strong emotional attachments to places and people. i have so many memories here in 312. how many days and nights have i spent here, sitting before You, poring over Your Word, and asking You to come? how many times have i drifted off to sleep, just chatting with You, Jesus? my home is filled with Your presence. it is filled with peace. i know it's not the apartment itself, i know... it's just that i associate Your peace especially with this place.

the new place is really nice. and huge. it's on anthony ave., in between the train station and the post office. unit 405. you should stop on by. we can fit you and your entire extended family in the new place. i'm not making this up. it's that big. and, the owners are letting me paint! my room is already three different shades of green.

i'll post pictures soon...


Happy said...

i can't wait to see it!!! :) and i will be praying for you as you move - that your NEW home will be just as much a place of peace and Presence as your old one has been.

love you. let me know what i can do to help.

grace and peace,

sarah beth said...

I can't wait to see your new place.. hopefully sooner than later. :)
I miss you my friend!!!!!!!!!
and I understand... I think I'll cry quite a bit when we move out of this apartment. I feel rather attached myself.

Anonymous said...

stephanie- let's please hang out soon! i want to see your new digs, but most importantly spend time with YOU.

let's figure out something soon.

you're pretty awesome. i'm glad we're friends :)
