July 07, 2008

day eight.
it's funny when you can remember exactly what you were doing this day a year ago. it was 07/07/07. a year ago today i was at titan stadium for The Call Nashville with 75,000 other people. we repented for our nation, we cried out for our land, we worshiped together. i remember he called me that day to tell me that he was a samuel. i remember being so surprised when they brought out three engaged couples to be married in front of everyone, as a beautiful picture of the great Wedding that is to come. i had that feeling-- i think most everyone there probably did-- that you feel when you know that something you are seeing with your natural eyes bears in it a significance far greater than what is visibly happening. it was so strong that day... my heart just wanted to burst. God was so tangibly THERE. i remember that night being on the phone and eating carrots and praying and crying for joy at the goodness of God, and how He carried me through such an intense time.

it was a really sweet summer last year. there were a lot of surprises. a few trials. but it was full of God, it really was.

as amazing as last summer was, though, i think this will prove to be the best one yet.

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